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Summer Bouquet Subscriptions
Summer Bouquet Subscriptions
Enjoy the end of summer color with 6 beautiful bouquets of dahlias, zinnias, sunflowers and more cut flowers with our summer bouquet subscriptions!
Bouquets will include a handpicked selection of at least four Dahlias along with the most beautiful and freshest blooms we have growing here at Sugar Maple Farmhouse. Subscription Bouquets will be given the first pick flowers before any flowers are available at the farm stand or to other customers and will be larger than the summer farm stand bouquets. Summer Bouquet Subscriptions will begin around the second week of August and are a beautiful way to bring those rich summer and autumn colors home.
What it includes
Subscriptions will include a total of 6 bouquets, The cut flowers will include:
- 4 Dahlias of varying sizes
- 6 Zinnias
- Additional flowers to give you at least 12 blooms per bouquet. Those flowers will be used depending on seasonal availability and will include: Sunflowers, Cosmos, Queen Anne's Lace, Stock, Bachelor Buttons, Pin Cushions, Strawflower, Celosia and more.
Delivery & Pick up
Delivery within the Grand Rapids area is available for an additional charge.
I will be in touch in April with your delivery date or pick-up time (for farm pick-up) for the Summer Bouquet Subscriptions.